√99以上 look up to you meaning 172111-Who do you look up to meaning
DEFINITIONS 1 1 (look up to someone) to admire and respect someone He's a role model for other players to look up toMay 01, 18 · 'What is the meaning of my name?' or 'What is in a name?' can be simply answered with 'Everything!' This site will help you to understand the powerful forces that shape your life through your name Name meanings as explained by the Kabalarian Philosophy will give you a whole new insight into the powerful influence your names have through the Mathematical PrincipleSee also look, to, up Farlex Dictionary of Idioms © 15 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved

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Who do you look up to meaning
Who do you look up to meaning-What does lookup mean?"He thinks of himself as a brilliant musician";

Definition of look up in the Definitionsnet dictionary Meaning of look up What does look up mean?I look up to this girl who was in year 12 (she has left now) but she was always winning academic awards and with science and maths mainly If you saw her from a distance you would think she was a guy because she has short hair and all but what makes her an awesome person from me she always acted how she wanted and did what she wanted"I look up to Sarah" usually means "I admire or respect Sarah", the 'looking' being figurative in nature Without any other words, one would use 'look up at' to avoid ambiguity when actual looking is being discussed However, the phrase 'from his body' makes clear that the figurative meaning
Look up definition 1 to become better 2 to become better 3 to get better;Look up to (one) To admire or view one as a role model Of course I look up to you—you're my big sister!Will you please tell me what "didn't look up to it" in the senteces below means?
Noun an act or instance of looking something up, as information in a reference book or an online databaseSee definition of look up to on Dictionarycom as in appreciate as in respect as in revere/reverence as in venerate as in panegyrize as in admire as in esteem as in favorVerb 1)Somthing you look up in Urban Dictionary when your uncreative brain isn't able to figure out a better definition to look up As "look up" is written next to the lookupbox 2) Something you did a few seconds ago,of course after giving this definition a thumb up antonym look down


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Look up to it, and be tranquil if you can (Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen) I want you to know, yet don't know how to tell you, that all my life long I shall look up to you, and be guided by you, as I have been through the darkness that is past (David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens)Look up to someone definition to admire and respect someone Learn moreJan 10, · If you want to be a good person that people look up to, try to be genuine and friendly towards others Try to live your life in a way that respects the things that are important to you For example, if you think protecting the environment is important, you might try recycling or conserving water

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Definition and synonyms of look up from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education This is the British English definition of look upView American English definition of look up Change your default dictionary to American English"she looked on this affair as a joke";Look upon (someone or something) look upon (someone or something) as (something) look upon as;

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Together, look up the word in a dictionary and talk about its meaning ndstatepircorg J unto s, busquen la palabra en e l diccionario y h able n so br e su significadoApr 14, 21 · Definition of 'look up to' If you look up to someone, especially someone older than you, you respect and admire them You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary Copyright © HarperCollins PublishersPerson to look up to Noun A person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type beau ideal epitome exemplar ideal perfection acme


Report an error or suggest an improvement ' look up to ' aparece también en las siguientes entradas Spanish admirado Synonyms admire, revere, esteem, venerate, idolize, more Forum discussions with the word (s) "look up to" in the title a brief lookup from the daytoday Be someone to look up to(idiomatic) To show respect or admiration for (verb)• If you don't know what it means, look it up in the dictionary • If you look up the title of the book, you should then find the author • I'll give you my address so you can look me up whenever you're in London things are looking up • However, following the campaign of certain organisations and individuals like Jaqueline Drake


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'He is someone we can respect and look up to, but he's not so high above us that we feel low and downtrodden' 'This generation looks up to, respects, and admires their parents' 'He is the kind of person that people want to look up to and respect as a leader' 'Barry has always been a hero to me, someone to look up to and admire!'Apr 09, 10 · Favorite Answer When a children say it to you, it means you're a role model for them, they want to be like you and you inspire them to be better'Do look us up again when you are in America perhaps next year' 'If you are every going through central Kentucky look me up' 'We have got a young chef just starting college and Anthony gave him his number and asked him to look him up if he was in the area, which made his day'

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Information and translations of look up in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the webDefinition of lookup phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including toApr 11, 21 · Definition of 'look up to' phrasal verb If you look up to someone, especially someone older than you, you respect and admire them You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you VERB PARTICLE PARTICLE noun

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Most people have some idea of their name meaning or where their name came from This site has been set up as a free etymology and onomastics resource to look up the history and meaning of names Browse through name meaning, rankings, other people's comments, ratings, and other statistics in addition to the name meaningsFind 13 ways to say PERSON TO LOOK UP TO, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesauruscom, the world's most trusted free thesaurusLook up to you;

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The thing you say when you know you're wrong but just wanna waste someone's timeDec 19, 18 · If you come across a word you don't know in a document or email, or even when browsing the web, use the following method to look up its definitionLook up to your right, there's a green bird at the very top of that tree!


This tool lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept Your description can be anything at all a single word, a few words, or even a whole sentence Type in your description and hit Enter (or select a word that shows up in the autocomplete preview) to see the related wordsTranslator Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee Linguee Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translationsLook up a word, learn it forever Advanced Search Random Word WORD OF THE HOUR dissembling Dissembling is a tricky way to say "deceiving" If you're good at pretending and lying, you're an expert at dissembling Dissembling is a fancy word for being tricky, slippery, and deceitful This word isn't just for people who lie and commit fraud it

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What does lookupto mean?Look up to somebody meaning, definition, what is look up to somebody to admire or respect someone Learn moreIf you look closely, you will see the beautiful patterns on the butterfly's wings Se guardi attentamente, noterai i bei motivi sulle ali della farfalla look closely at sth v expr verbal expression Phrase with special meaning functioning as verbfor example, "put their heads together," "come to an end" (examine sth)


Verb 1 look upon look on as or consider;Look up, look out, look alive!If you look at the other person and they do not look back at you, then their attention is likely elsewhere Even if they hear you, the lack of eye contact reduces the personal connection If you want to persuade or change minds, then the first step is to gain eye contact and then sustain it with regular reconnection


Definition of look up to to respect and admire (someone) I've always looked up to my older brother The kids really look up to their coachIn all of these sentences, "look x" is being used to mean "look in the direction specified" This is the literal meaning of the phrases However "look to" and "look up to" also have figurative meanings You can say you "look to" someone to find answers or advice, forIf you don't know what a word means, you should look it up (in the dictionary) look up a telephone number look up an article in the encyclopedia more examples hide examples Example sentences Hide examples 3


Alternative form of lookup (noun)1 to cheer up look up—things are not all bad 2 to improve in prospects or conditions business is looking up transitive verb 1 to search for in or as if in a reference work look up an address 2 to seek out especially for a brief visit look me up when you're hereExploring the meanings of songs since 03 Now with a library of over 300,000 usersubmitted interpretations, if you want a song interpreted, Lyric Interpretations is the place to be


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If you hold someone in high esteem or look up to someone, you admire that person If you ask fouryearolds who they most admire, they are likely to list their mom, dad, and grandparents — or superheroes and comic book charactersSynonyms for look up to include admire, worship, revere, esteem, respect, venerate, honour, adore, idolise and idolize Find more similar words at wordhippocom!Look up to = to respect and admire (transitive) When you have a great deal of respect and admiration for someone When you admire that person and try to base your decisions, choices, etc off what that person may have done You can use this person's character and success as


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Improve Learn more"He is reputed to be Look upon definition of look''The press were writing up right through that season that I should have been in the side, then in the first innings I made 22 in two hours and they said I didn't look up to it so they changed their mind,'' Moss said ''One minute they're saying you should be in the side, the next he didn't look up to it

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